20 06, 2017

Luke 20:1-18

2022-11-18T11:23:57-05:00June 20th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 20:1-18

Here in the final week of the earthly life of Christ, the religious leaders now set in motion a plan to examine Christ for some kind of flaw that they can use to indict Him and put Him on trial. Even as the Jews are having their lambs inspected for the Passover [...]

22 05, 2017

Luke 19:28-48

2022-11-18T11:18:10-05:00May 22nd, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 19:28-48

Join us for a riveting study is pursuing the treasures that God plants for us to find in His word! In Luke 19, Jesus marches into Jerusalem on the back of a baby donkey, setting up both a stunning contrast and just a remarkable display of sovereignty. We serve a loving humble [...]

22 05, 2017

Luke 19:11-27

2022-11-18T11:23:15-05:00May 22nd, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 19:11-27

The American Church is big on glam and glitter and bright lights and notoriety, and man we’re just trying to be so cool. But this is not what impresses God. Christ tells us this week in Luke 19, that all God is looking for is simple faithfulness. Do we understand that 90% [...]

8 05, 2017

Luke 18:35-19:10

2022-11-18T11:21:47-05:00May 8th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 18:35-19:10

Now men of dignity in 1st century Palestine would never be caught running in public, that would be emblematic of a child.  Another thing you wouldn’t find a grown man doing was climbing a tree.  And yet here in Luke 19, we find a wealthy man running and climbing a tree in [...]

24 04, 2017

Luke 18:18-34

2022-11-18T11:17:11-05:00April 24th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 18:18-34

Jesus tells the rich young ruler in Luke 18 “Go and sell everything you have, give it to the poor and follow me.” Does that somehow mean that you and I are to do the same? Or could it be that repentance looks different in each of our lives. The text shows [...]

24 04, 2017

Luke 18:1-17

2022-11-18T11:17:54-05:00April 24th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 18:1-17

What a mind bending and astonishing thing, that the sovereign Creator of the universe would condescend to such a degree, as to link the activation of His will to the prayers of the likes of you and me. Now why in the world would an all-powerful God do such a thing? Could [...]

24 04, 2017

Luke 17:20-37

2022-11-18T11:17:30-05:00April 24th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 17:20-37

Christ is going to crack open the sky when He returns to set up His Kingdom, and there will be no mistaking this event.  Join us for a compelling look at what Jesus Himself has to say about His return in Luke 17.   Jesus issues a very interesting command in this text.  [...]

24 04, 2017

Luke 17:1-19

2022-11-18T11:08:53-05:00April 24th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 17:1-19

Jesus lays out an impossible standard in the extension of forgiveness to others, to which the Apostles essentially reply “There in no way we can run the program you’re laying out here, INCREASE OUR FAITH!”  Jesus then responds to that request by telling us very graphically, that it is not more faith [...]

23 03, 2017

Luke 16:14-31

2022-11-18T11:09:36-05:00March 23rd, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 16:14-31

Consider the insatiable lust with which a person pursues the things of the world – pride, power, attention, entertainment, all manner of fleshly pleasures. Imagine a human being whose entire life is spent chasing after the desires of the flesh. Ya’ got that in your mind’s eye? Alright. Now imagine taking such [...]


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