Jesus tells the rich young ruler in Luke 18 “Go and sell everything you have, give it to the poor and follow me.” Does that somehow mean that you and I are to do the same? Or could it be that repentance looks different in each of our lives. The text shows us this week that this young man had made a god of his wealth. If Jesus were to express this directive in our culture today, He might say “Go and deactivate all your social media accounts, spend more time with your kids and follow me.” What we need to repent of for our own well-being and that of those around us, is anything that we elevate over and above seeking to continue to grow in our delight in Christ. If you’ve got something that’s more important to you than that, well then that’s what you need to dump. For your benefit, to His glory. Get your Word on and get real with us, we’re the fight we’re in is to delight in Christ.