“God has spoken in Son.” Hebrews 1:2

Imagine the United States being attacked by a foreign enemy. The entire world would know that there is an imminent address due by the President of the United States. Every American would be waiting with bated breath on the edge of their couches for the moment that all television stations switch to the live broadcast. Immediately after the President declares that the United States is at war, the newscaster’s stark face would then re-appear and every ear would hear this short, yet extremely powerful statement: “The President has spoken.” In other words, it’s final.

You see, these words in Hebrews are much more than we think they are at first glance. It’s easy to miss the weight of these words when there is no tone of voice and especially when there’s little understanding of the full context of Scripture. The writer of Hebrews, not unlike the newscaster, is telling those of us possible defectors and those who are still waiting for the live broadcast: ”God has spoken.”

This is no longer the same verse it was the last time you may have read it. This is not simply a nice, flowery verse to memorize. It means so much more. Imagine these words now in the context of the illustration above, except the attack is not on the United States, but on you and on me. These words carry so much meaning. We feel the pull of sin and temptation, and our fallen flesh screams at us like that stupid plant in the ‘Little Shop of Horrors’…”feed me Seymore!!” And so we wait with bated breath on the edge of our couches to see or to hear anything that might give us a glimpse of hope, a way out.

We are sitting here waiting for God to speak to us, often times full of fear, confusion, worry and doubt. When will He speak? What will He say? (Of course there’s nothing wrong with asking God for help, but when our prayers constantly end up sounding like a Beatles song, somethings gotta give! I mean, as great as the Beatles are, God must get tired of hearing Help being sung as a worship song to Him over and over in our minds all day long!)

Adversely, the writer of Hebrews is saying that He has already spoken. He has already addressed it. What are we still waiting for? Not only has He addressed it, but unlike popular opinion, he didn’t leave the station blurry or full of static. So what did He say?


The Word of God appeared in the flesh. (John 1:14, Heb. 10:5-7) The Father didn’t just speak, He went above and beyond! He actually showed us who He is. He gave us more than words. He gave us a Living Word of Himself. He spoke in Christ and because Christ raised Himself from the dead (John 2:19-22), He is alive and continues speaking today. Every station is live, every station Jesus. God has spoken in the language of “Son” and all that the Son heard from the Father, He has made known to us. (John 15:15) In other words, it’s final. You don’t have to sit around holding your breath, waiting to hear from Him. He has already said it all! All that we ever need to know or hear has already been said in Christ. Simply put, He is. (Exodus 3:14) He upholds and sustains not just the universe, but ALL things by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). How much more then, do you suppose He is in control of your and my tiny little life?!

This is why we love the Word and are so passionate about teaching it. We understand, as the writer of Hebrews reminds us in chapter 10, verse 7 that the volume of the book was written of Him. If we know the Word then we will inevitably know Christ. Christ is a living love letter; living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12) Jesus Christ is God.

Let’s allow Him to take center stage in our minds this week as he sustains us and holds us up, keeping us and preserving us every moment of every day. He is sitting, remember. The work is finished. And if God is at rest, then we should be too. Let’s rest in the mighty power of His Word as we prepare for the second half of chapter one. We love you and can’t wait to see you on Monday!

Love you all!
