23 03, 2017

Luke 16:1-13

2022-11-18T11:09:13-05:00March 23rd, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 16:1-13

This week in Luke 16, we have a very perplexing story in the parable of the shrewd manager, which Christ then uses to lower the boom and bring forth a stinging indictment against His own blood bought children. He tells us that unbelievers are more resolute and aggressive in pursuing their temporal [...]

10 03, 2017

Luke 15:11-32

2022-11-18T11:08:00-05:00March 10th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 15:11-32

Religion says: I obey; therefore, I am accepted.  The Gospel says:  Because I am accepted, therefore I obey. The religious person obeys in order to gain acceptance - the Gospel believing person obeys because they are already accepted.  Two people operating on these 2 very opposite principles will sit right next to [...]

27 02, 2017

Luke 15:1-10

2022-11-18T11:08:34-05:00February 27th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 15:1-10

What absolutely scandalized the Jewish religious leaders in Luke Chapter 15, is that Jesus not only received those they considered to be an abomination before God, but that He actively went out of His way to pursue them and seek them.  Perhaps we’ve satisfied ourselves that we’ve graduated to the level of [...]

20 02, 2017

Luke 14

2022-11-18T11:08:16-05:00February 20th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 14

When you and I run into somebody that we don’t care for at the grocery store, what do we do?  Well we turn and head in the other direction and pretend we didn’t see them, don’t we?  And that is the difference between Christ and you and I.  Christ authentically loved those [...]

13 02, 2017

Luke 13:18-35

2022-11-18T11:06:12-05:00February 13th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 13:18-35

With the multitudes so quick to assert that “All roads lead to God” -  we might want to consider agreeing with and then qualifying that statement.  All roads lead to God alright...  One road leads to Him as Savior, and all the other roads lead to Him as Judge.  This week in [...]

30 01, 2017

Luke 13:1-17

2022-11-18T11:07:38-05:00January 30th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 13:1-17

In this hyper-spiritualizing church culture we find ourselves living in, we often struggle with questions concerning the misfortune that comes our way. The Jews that Christ addresses in Chapter 13, would link absolutely every calamity in life to some spiritual cause, and Jesus came along and reminded them that we simply live [...]

9 01, 2017

Luke 12:41-59

2022-11-18T11:06:29-05:00January 9th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 12:41-59

Now we’ve all seen pictures of meek and mild Jesus beside a crib with his hand on a sleeping baby, we’ve seen pictures of Jesus with children laughing upon his lap, we’ve seen pictures of Jesus holding little lambs, and we’ve seen pictures of Jesus knocking on doors and hanging on a [...]

9 01, 2017

Luke 12:22-40

2022-11-18T11:05:15-05:00January 9th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 12:22-40

According the APA, 72% of adults in the United States report feeling stressed about money some of the time, while 26% report feeling stressed about money most or all of the time. Anxiety disorders are the most comment mental illness in the US, effecting some 40 million adults, or 18% of the [...]

9 01, 2017

Luke 12:1-21

2022-11-18T11:05:57-05:00January 9th, 2017|Luke|Comments Off on Luke 12:1-21

In order for the Body of Christ to operate as God intends, there needs to be a sharing of truth within the members of a local assembly. When we show up to church and pretend to be something we’re not, we are robbing the Body of Christ from what she is intended [...]


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