We must not buy into the LIE that the fullness of the Gospel belongs only to the super spiritual elite Seal Team 6 Christians. THE FULLNESS of the Gospel belongs to simple believers engaging their brothers and sisters in the precious valuable broken Body to which they’ve been called. What a fantastic design, that God wants to use us to heal and salve and mend and restore and repair. WE; the local Body; the local Church – we are the gymnasium in which we are to WORK OUT our salvation with fear and trembling. We are the free weights and the treadmills and the running tracks and the cardio classes… What a paradoxical and bizarre and yet amazing plan – that WE are how we get better. WE are how we grow – as we exercise our gifts in service to one another by the Spirit of God according to the Word of God. Get your Word on with us in Romans 12, where we discover the people sitting all around us every week – they are the very agents God designed to lead us unto human flourishing!