In our second study in Luke Chapter 10, Jesus gives us 2 of the more familiar stories in the Gospel, the story of the Good Samaritan and an interesting little ditty with Martha and Mary. We must be ever so careful not to allow familiarity to inoculate us from some of the most powerful truths in the Scripture. The fruit of being in a right relationship with God is going to manifest itself in our relationships with other people. And if we don’t have a real love in our heart for people, that is a strong diagnostic that something is off in our relationship with God. Wherever that friction and that struggle reside, we will find a corresponding deficiency in our relationship with Christ. The Word of God tells us that one who does not have a love for his brother abides in death, and that ought to cause us to take another look at what we may have written off as familiar. Get your Word on with us and let’s grow.