The Lord answers the bell in a shockingly relevant passage of text in Hebrews Chapter 3.  How God had orchestrated this body of believers to land on this text at this time –  is in itself a striking object lesson in His sovereignty.  As we began our study of Hebrews two months ago, nobody could have possibly seen this coming.  Guess what?  The Lord did.  Importing Psalm 95, the writer of Hebrews points to the trouble Israel had encountered in their wilderness journey  –  and brings us squarely in position to face the stark reality of our own wilderness journey today.  If we will hear His voice and harden not our hearts, there is a place of great REST to be had for the people of God.  What does He have to say? Join us for a powerful and provocative study this week, as the Lord shows up with astonishing otherworldly pinpoint timing.  Get your Word on with us!