If we are going to run with endurance the race God has called us to run, then we must have a proper theology of human suffering. God does not “use” our difficulties; God does not “turn” our difficulties around – and to speak as such is to make God a passive observer and less than sovereign and less than glorious and therefore not God at all. The Bible says that God is IN the difficulties. All of them. For our good. To His glory. Every time. God is not the ER physician who comes in and sews up the wound after a freak accident – He is the skilled surgeon who plans the incision for our good. What if the Word of God told you that there were no random pointless horrors in your life at all, but that God has purposed every trial and every difficulty to refine and purify and deepen and strengthen? Because that is precisely what it tells you. Get your Word on with us in a real game changer tonight – and trade in pointless for purpose!