Moses steps up as the next witness of extraordinary faith here in Chapter 11, but the writer begins with the faith of Moses’ parents – who entrusted unto God an extraordinary sequence of events in the life of their baby boy. Where do Mom and Dad get such great faith that they would set their infant son afloat in the Nile River in a tiny ark?  Faith comes by hearing – and hearing by the Word of God.  Through Amram and Jochebed’s obedience to the Word of God, the Lord ends up using the household of Pharaoh to finance the deliverer of the Jews!  AND WHEN THE BOY becomes the man Moses – he chooses the reproaches of Christ and the people of God – as infinitely more valuable than the passing pleasures of sin offered by this profoundly wealthy and sensual Egyptian culture. Get your Word on with us – and discover that faith’s choices are governed NOT by our passions and feelings and fears – but faith’s choices are to be informed by the Word of God.  Come and make much of Christ with us in a wild study!