Whenever you’re reading a passage of Scripture, the Lord will always illuminate what He has for you in this particular season. A text may speak to you one way today, and altogether differently a month from now or a year from now. That’s why the writer of Hebrews says God’s Word is alive and active. Now you want some awesome? Here it is. Jesus tells us one of the ministries of the Holy Spirit to the believer, is to bring ALL that you have read in His Word unto remembrance at the proper time. And so whatever is not illuminated is not lost – because it will be brought into your mind in the future. What that means is, there is never a wasted moment in the Word of God; ever. There’s your awesome. And so, in loaded passages like the one Peter gives us this week, you can just rest and let the Spirit of God minister to you. Like fireflies on a warm summer’s night, just catch whatever He illuminates; that’s what you put in your jar and take home. The rest will light up for you another day. Get your Word on with us and grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ!