James tells us in Chapter 2 of his epistle, that if we fail in one point of God’s law, we fail in all of it concerning salvation. In other words, the law of God is not a series of detached injunctions, but rather a unified standard that requires perfect love of God and neighbor. It’s like an Olympic athlete trying to clear the high bar. Your entire body may clear the bar, but if your foot nicks the bar and the bar comes down your jump is disqualified. That is sort of how the Law of God works unto salvation. The only human being ever to clear the bar of the law for you and me was the God-man Jesus Christ. Paul tells us in Chapter 2 in Romans, that we can never rely upon our own good works for salvation, because every one of us has knocked the bar down so many times we wouldn’t know where we begin and the bar ends. And yet scores of believers are still trying to relate to God upon their own ability to jump religious hurdles. Get your Word on with us and discover freedom from religion and pure joy in Jesus!